Non-recoverable failure in name resolution
(too old to reply)
Adam Smith
2007-11-15 20:00:50 UTC

Octane, IRIX O/S 6.5.23 CPU's 2 225 MHz MIPS R10000(IP30)

LAN access OK
Ethernet only via IP # or if listed in /etc/hosts file
nslookkup OK

But attempting to http://... => error msg above

Single internet interface 'ef0' on machine
shouldn't it be Ethernet ec0 ?
if so how can I change the designation? It is unchangeable from the
Toolchest >'System' GUI

hinv -c network =>
Integral Fast Ethernet:ef0, version 1, pci 2
Is this the default for the Octane?
(seems sort of odd, could the network controller be playing tricks)


-- Adam --
Joerg Behrens
2007-11-15 20:45:27 UTC
Post by Adam Smith
Octane, IRIX O/S 6.5.23 CPU's 2 225 MHz MIPS R10000(IP30)
LAN access OK
Ethernet only via IP # or if listed in /etc/hosts file
nslookkup OK
But attempting to http://... => error msg above
Never use a GUI Apps to determine betworks problems

Setup etc/resolv.conf and modify /etc/nsswitch.conf to change the
"hosts" order to "files, dns"

After than
/etc/init.d/network stop
/etc/init.d/network start

Try a "ping" and if its work a "ping google.com". Sometimes
when resolving of a NAME get failed the result is cached. Then a
"nsadmin clean" or better "nsadmin restart" is needed.

Now restart your GUI.
Post by Adam Smith
Single internet interface 'ef0' on machine
shouldn't it be Ethernet ec0 ?
No, ef0 is the name for the 100mbit fastethernet nic in origins/onxy2/o2
and octanes. The ec0 can be found in indy and indigo2 machines.
Post by Adam Smith
if so how can I change the designation? It is unchangeable from the
Toolchest >'System' GUI
It have only this name.
Post by Adam Smith
hinv -c network =>
Integral Fast Ethernet:ef0, version 1, pci 2
Is this the default for the Octane?
Yes it is.
Post by Adam Smith
(seems sort of odd, could the network controller be playing tricks)
Additional configuration if the ef0 is possible in

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Adam Smith
2007-11-16 00:54:55 UTC
Post by Joerg Behrens
Never use a GUI Apps to determine betworks problems
Thanks Joerg, it worked. Re the admonition above a truer statement was
never said. There was a clear discrepancy between the GUI an the actual
file content re: 'file dns' sequence on GUI and 'file nis' in config file.
Thanks again
