DEM-Tools 0.9.5 for IRIX6.5 for download...
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Erik Baigar
2006-08-25 18:58:34 UTC
Dear SGIers,

for people interested in a digital elevation map (DEM) viewer
the dem-tools-0.9.5 from Eric Kasten are for download available at


The original homepage is http://www.arq.net/~kasten/demtools/
where the source code is available, too. As prerequisites you
will need the libglut, pango, gtk-2.0 and gdk-2.0 from
the SGI freeware page. The tardist installs in /usr/local/bin
and /usr/local/lib making available the following programs:

dem3dmap interactive 3D viewer, good for up to 10MB
of digital elevation map files.
demheader Tool to display the dem-header in ASCII.
dem2ppm DEM-to-ppm-Converter.
dem2vrml Converts dem-Files to .vrml-Files. These can
be viewed using SGI's vrml-viewer which is
included with SGI's netscape.

I compiled this using gcc on O2, but it is tested on Indigo2
as well (MXI). Lot of free files are available at this site:
http://edcftp.cr.usgs.gov/pub/data/DEM/ with 1:250000

Happy viewing,

Erik Baigar
2006-08-27 13:32:15 UTC
Post by Erik Baigar
dem3dmap interactive 3D viewer, good for up to 10MB
of digital elevation map files.
demheader Tool to display the dem-header in ASCII.
dem2ppm DEM-to-ppm-Converter.
dem2vrml Converts dem-Files to .vrml-Files. These can
be viewed using SGI's vrml-viewer which is
included with SGI's netscape.
Added the tool dem2xyz (Sol Katz, mar 97) for download:


This executable allows the conversion of dem-Files to x,y,z
files where it is possible to cut out interesting parts of
the file. Information can be read later on with math tools,
e.g. with the command

DEMdata = ReadList["file.xyz", Table[Number, {3}]];

into mathematica for further analysis. For arrays with
10000 elements this takes seconds already ;-)


Erik Baigar
2006-08-28 05:15:11 UTC
...source available from ftp.blm.gov/pub/gis - there are
some other tools, too...
