Calculix-1.7 for download: Free Three-Dimensional Structural Finite Element Program
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Erik Baigar
2008-02-23 10:58:07 UTC
Dear SGI users,

I just put a ready-to-go tardist binary distribution of the
most recent version of CalculiX onto my homepage. This is a
3D finite element program which comes with a frontend for
data entry and result visualization (cgx) and a backend (ccx)
for doing the calculations. Please feel free to download this
nice piece of software from (tested on Indigo2, Octane under
6.5.22 but without any guarantee of features and usability
and accuracy of the results):


For details on CalculiX please visit the project's web page
at http://www.calculix.de/.

If you want to use the included help (which will reside in
/usr/freeware/doc/CalculiX, both as postscript and html) you
should set the following link after installing the tardist:

su ; cd /usr/local ; ln -s /usr/freeware/doc/CalculiX/ CalculiX

Calculix launches mozilla to show the html based help. Examples
can be found in /usr/freeware/doc/CalculiX/examples. If you want
to play with a simple sample, enter the following commands after

cd /usr/freeware/doc/CalculiX/examples
cgx -v result.frd

Please enjoy,

best regards,

Erik Baigar
2008-02-29 06:12:55 UTC
Post by Erik Baigar
For details on CalculiX please visit the project's web page
at http://www.calculix.de/.
...just added "Getting Started Guide" for download:

Walther Mathieu
2008-03-03 05:58:31 UTC
Post by Erik Baigar
Dear SGI users,
Post by Erik Baigar
For details on CalculiX please visit the project's web page
at http://www.calculix.de/.

2% /usr/freeware/bin/cgx
2407:/usr/freeware/bin/cgx: rld: Fatal Error: Cannot Successfully map
soname 'libglut.so' under any of the filenames /usr/local/lib32/libglut.so:


tried me fw_glut-3.7.tardist ... no luck.

Joerg Behrens
2008-03-03 16:15:08 UTC
Post by Walther Mathieu
Post by Erik Baigar
Dear SGI users,
Post by Erik Baigar
For details on CalculiX please visit the project's web page
at http://www.calculix.de/.
2% /usr/freeware/bin/cgx
2407:/usr/freeware/bin/cgx: rld: Fatal Error: Cannot Successfully map
tried me fw_glut-3.7.tardist ... no luck.
Maybe the programm isnt compiled with rpath you have to add
/usr/freeware/lib32 to your LD_LIBRARAYN32.

TakeNet GmbH, Geschaeftsfuehrer Wolfgang Meier
97080 Wuerzburg Tel: +49 931 903-2243
Alfred-Nobel-Straße 20 Fax: +49 931 903-3025
HRB Wuerzburg 6940 http://www.takenet.de
Walther Mathieu
2008-03-04 16:35:08 UTC
Post by Joerg Behrens
Maybe the programm isnt compiled with rpath you have to add
/usr/freeware/lib32 to your LD_LIBRARAYN32.
no such variable exists...
setenv LD_LIBRARAYN32 /usr/freeware/lib32 ??? no typo ?
Erik Baigar
2008-03-04 17:07:52 UTC
Post by Walther Mathieu
no such variable exists...
setenv LD_LIBRARAYN32 /usr/freeware/lib32 ??? no typo ?
If you are using bash, the syntax to set the variable would be
(If I remember correctly):

export LD_LIBRARYN32_PATH=/usr/freeware/lib32

Maybe you want to look whether there are any library variables set

printenv | grep LD

If you want to append an additional path to an existing one, I'd
suggest doing

export LD_LIBRARYN32_PATH=/usr/freeware/lib32:$LD_LIBRARYN32_PATH

Joerg Behrens
2008-03-06 09:52:44 UTC
Post by Walther Mathieu
Post by Joerg Behrens
Maybe the programm isnt compiled with rpath you have to add
/usr/freeware/lib32 to your LD_LIBRARAYN32.
no such variable exists...
setenv LD_LIBRARAYN32 /usr/freeware/lib32 ??? no typo ?

Hard to believe that you never heard about ;)

TakeNet GmbH, Geschaeftsfuehrer Wolfgang Meier
97080 Wuerzburg Tel: +49 931 903-2243
Alfred-Nobel-Straße 20 Fax: +49 931 903-3025
HRB Wuerzburg 6940 http://www.takenet.de
Erik Baigar
2008-03-04 16:45:26 UTC
Post by Walther Mathieu
Post by Erik Baigar
Dear SGI users,
Post by Erik Baigar
For details on CalculiX please visit the project's web page
at http://www.calculix.de/.
2% /usr/freeware/bin/cgx
2407:/usr/freeware/bin/cgx: rld: Fatal Error: Cannot Successfully map
tried me fw_glut-3.7.tardist ... no luck.
Hi Walter,

on my system I do not have a LD_LIBRARYN32_PATH set, too.
Instead there is a link set of the following form in

libglut.so -> /usr/freeware/lib32/libglut.so.3.7

So you should become root and enter the following commands:

cd /usr/lib32
ln -s /usr/freeware/lib32/libglut.so.3.7 libglut.so

After this it should work. Sorry for the inconvenience.


Walther Mathieu
2008-03-05 17:58:25 UTC
Post by Erik Baigar
Hi Walter,
on my system I do not have a LD_LIBRARYN32_PATH set, too.
Instead there is a link set of the following form in
libglut.so -> /usr/freeware/lib32/libglut.so.3.7
cd /usr/lib32
ln -s /usr/freeware/lib32/libglut.so.3.7 libglut.so
After this it should work. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Aha. So

1% cd /usr/lib32; ls -la libglut*
lrwxr-xr-x[..]libglut.so -> /usr/freeware/lib32/libglut.so.3.7

OK? But:

2% /usr/freeware/bin/cgx
1524:/usr/freeware/bin/cgx: rld:
Fatal Error: Cannot Successfully map soname 'libglut.so'
under any of the filenames

I just don´t get it.

Joerg Behrens
2008-03-06 12:37:26 UTC
Post by Walther Mathieu
2% /usr/freeware/bin/cgx
Fatal Error: Cannot Successfully map soname 'libglut.so'
under any of the filenames
I just don´t get it.

ldd /usr/freeware/bin/cgx
shows what?

Btw... these symlinks are only a nasty hack. Right way was to setup your
environment. Somewhere there is SGIs fixpath script which modify your
systems settings and userenv to take notice the additional pathes.

can you provide your patches so that iam able to create a nekoware
package? I already see that cc and g77 is used and not SGIs f77. But i
get some missing *.h during the compile. And none of the missing files
(misc.h?) ships with the source.

TakeNet GmbH, Geschaeftsfuehrer Wolfgang Meier
97080 Wuerzburg Tel: +49 931 903-2243
Alfred-Nobel-Straße 20 Fax: +49 931 903-3025
HRB Wuerzburg 6940 http://www.takenet.de
Walther Mathieu
2008-03-06 16:08:13 UTC
Post by Joerg Behrens
ldd /usr/freeware/bin/cgx
shows what?
7# ldd /usr/freeware/bin/cgx
libGL.so => /usr/lib32/libGL.so
libGLU.so => /usr/lib32/libGLU.so
4471: 17:02:40 /usr/freeware/bin/cgx: rld: Fatal Error exit/longjmp:
Cannot Successfully map soname 'libglut.so' under any of the filenames
Post by Joerg Behrens
Btw... these symlinks are only a nasty hack. Right way was to setup your
environment. Somewhere there is SGIs fixpath script which modify your
systems settings and userenv to take notice the additional pathes.
I installed the fw_glut package from freeware.sgi at least twice...
no libglut.so file showing up anywhere somehow. Not mentioned by swmgr.
There is, of course, such a file in the /usr/nekoware branch.
Better not mix this, or am I supposed to?
Joerg Behrens
2008-03-07 09:31:15 UTC
Post by Walther Mathieu
Post by Joerg Behrens
ldd /usr/freeware/bin/cgx
shows what?
7# ldd /usr/freeware/bin/cgx
libGL.so => /usr/lib32/libGL.so
libGLU.so => /usr/lib32/libGLU.so
Cannot Successfully map soname 'libglut.so' under any of the filenames
Post by Joerg Behrens
Btw... these symlinks are only a nasty hack. Right way was to setup
your environment. Somewhere there is SGIs fixpath script which modify
your systems settings and userenv to take notice the additional pathes.
I installed the fw_glut package from freeware.sgi at least twice...
no libglut.so file showing up anywhere somehow. Not mentioned by swmgr.
Maybe the package only comes with a static archive and not with a shared
Post by Walther Mathieu
There is, of course, such a file in the /usr/nekoware branch.
Better not mix this, or am I supposed to?
export LD_LIBRARYN32_PATH=$LD_LIBRARYN32_PATH:/usr/nekoware/lib
ldd /usr/freeware/bin/cgx

You can use showfiles or the versions command to determine if there is a
file installed from a tardist or not.

[o3k]:~ $ showfiles --libglut.so
f 50973 389964 neko_glut.sw.lib usr/nekoware/lib/libglut.so

[o3k]:~ $ versions long neko_glut.sw.lib
f 8506 299 neko_glut.sw.lib usr/nekoware/lib/libfglut.a
f 37364 147 neko_glut.sw.lib usr/nekoware/lib/libfglut.so
f 64829 146 neko_glut.sw.lib usr/nekoware/lib/libglsmap.a
f 57786 68 neko_glut.sw.lib usr/nekoware/lib/libglsmap.so
f 2676 1113 neko_glut.sw.lib usr/nekoware/lib/libglut.a
f 50973 762 neko_glut.sw.lib usr/nekoware/lib/libglut.so
f 58893 314 neko_glut.sw.lib usr/nekoware/lib/libmui.a
f 22980 208 neko_glut.sw.lib usr/nekoware/lib/libmui.so

You can extrat the content of a tardist without the need for installing
it with inst/swmgr.

mkdir /tmp/test
showfiles -x -r /tmp/test -f /path/to/foobar.tardist

TakeNet GmbH, Geschaeftsfuehrer Wolfgang Meier
97080 Wuerzburg Tel: +49 931 903-2243
Alfred-Nobel-Straße 20 Fax: +49 931 903-3025
HRB Wuerzburg 6940 http://www.takenet.de
Walther Mathieu
2008-03-07 12:09:02 UTC
Post by Joerg Behrens
You can use showfiles or the versions command to determine if there is a
file installed from a tardist or not.
[o3k]:~ $ showfiles --libglut.so
f 50973 389964 neko_glut.sw.lib usr/nekoware/lib/libglut.so
1# showfiles --libglut.so
f 64835 389964 neko_glut.sw.lib usr/nekoware/lib/libglut.so

let´s see what happens if I try that one instead:

/usr/freeware/bin/cgx: rld: Fatal Error: Cannot Successfully map soname
'libglut.so' version 'sgi3.7' under any of the filenames [...]

so the nekoware version seems to be different... there is another file

2# ls -la /usr/lib32/libglut*
lrwxr-xr-x 1 root sys 34 März 5 18:41
/usr/lib32/libglut.so -> /usr/freeware/lib32/libglut.so.3.7

which causes the same error as above without mentioning a version no

Guess I tried all variants now to have the right lib in the right place.
Do you have CalculiX running? Btw., I´m on 6.5.28

Joerg Behrens
2008-03-07 16:59:13 UTC
Post by Walther Mathieu
Post by Joerg Behrens
You can use showfiles or the versions command to determine if there is
a file installed from a tardist or not.
[o3k]:~ $ showfiles --libglut.so
f 50973 389964 neko_glut.sw.lib usr/nekoware/lib/libglut.so
1# showfiles --libglut.so
f 64835 389964 neko_glut.sw.lib usr/nekoware/lib/libglut.so
You told us that you have SGIs freeware installed.... but the search
didnt list it?!?
Post by Walther Mathieu
/usr/freeware/bin/cgx: rld: Fatal Error: Cannot Successfully map soname
'libglut.so' version 'sgi3.7' under any of the filenames [...]
cgx is linked against a libglut.so wich provides a version id. So no
other file can match the needs. Doesnt matter if its the same or not....
without the version info compiled in it never can works.
Post by Walther Mathieu
so the nekoware version seems to be different... there is another file
2# ls -la /usr/lib32/libglut*
lrwxr-xr-x 1 root sys 34 März 5 18:41
/usr/lib32/libglut.so -> /usr/freeware/lib32/libglut.so.3.7
which causes the same error as above without mentioning a version no
ls -al /usr/freeware/lib32/libglut*

shows what?
Post by Walther Mathieu
Guess I tried all variants now to have the right lib in the right place.
Do you have CalculiX running? Btw., I´m on 6.5.28
I cant get it to compile but i dont have spend alot of time to it. One
of the reason was that GNU compiler is used instead SGIs fortran. But
i'll ask Eric and see if send me some patches.

TakeNet GmbH, Geschaeftsfuehrer Wolfgang Meier
97080 Wuerzburg Tel: +49 931 903-2243
Alfred-Nobel-Straße 20 Fax: +49 931 903-3025
HRB Wuerzburg 6940 http://www.takenet.de
Walther Mathieu
2008-03-09 16:23:48 UTC
Post by Joerg Behrens
ls -al /usr/freeware/lib32/libglut*
shows what?
-rw-r--r-- 1 root sys 608276 März 4 17:17
-rwxr-xr-x 2 root sys 389964 März 4 16:53
Joerg Behrens
2008-03-09 18:12:50 UTC
Post by Walther Mathieu
Post by Joerg Behrens
ls -al /usr/freeware/lib32/libglut*
shows what?
-rw-r--r-- 1 root sys 608276 März 4 17:17
-rwxr-xr-x 2 root sys 389964 März 4 16:53
From one of your previous posting:
1% cd /usr/lib32; ls -la libglut*
lrwxr-xr-x[..]libglut.so -> /usr/freeware/lib32/libglut.so.3.7

Your ls from above doesnt show a libglut.so.3.7, so you symlink is broken.

TakeNet GmbH, Geschaeftsfuehrer Wolfgang Meier
97080 Wuerzburg Tel: +49 931 903-2243
Alfred-Nobel-Straße 20 Fax: +49 931 903-3025
HRB Wuerzburg 6940 http://www.takenet.de
Erik Baigar
2008-03-10 05:54:31 UTC
Post by Joerg Behrens
cgx is linked against a libglut.so wich provides a version id. So no
other file can match the needs. Doesnt matter if its the same or not....
without the version info compiled in it never can works.
Linked cgx again with the -static option and the new binary (having
the same size as the old one) does not require libglut any more. So I'd
really expect, the new binary (http://www.baigar.de/irix/cgx) fixes the

As a test I removed all libglut-files from my system and the new cgx
BTW: I do not know why the "old" cgx requires a libglut - the routines
built into cgx since they are contained in the source code of cgx.

Please try the new binary! This will fix the problem! Will update the
Erik Baigar
2008-03-10 06:16:03 UTC
Post by Erik Baigar
Please try the new binary! This will fix the problem! Will update the
tardist shortly...
Replaced the old tardist by a new one containing the fixed binary.
I'd be interested if this solves Walther's problem...

Best regards,

Erik Baigar
2008-03-09 09:29:06 UTC
Post by Joerg Behrens
can you provide your patches so that iam able to create a nekoware
package? I already see that cc and g77 is used and not SGIs f77. But i
get some missing *.h during the compile. And none of the missing files
(misc.h?) ships with the source.

sorry for the inconvenience you enconter with the CalculiX.tardist.
I used the gnu-tools for compile since I do not have a valid MIPS-Pro
and I started with the standard distribution from the CalculiX page.
During compile there have been minor glitches but I did not need any
additional files.

Just looked at the source tree again and discovered, that there
are glut-3.7 sources within the CalculiX sources which are compiled,
But I did not install this on my machines before testing e.g. on
Octane, so it should be OK. I will have to figure out, what the
CalculiX is using this for....

Maybe I will be able to fix this in the tardist...

Will keep you up to date,

Erik Baigar
2008-03-09 09:44:39 UTC
Post by Erik Baigar
Just looked at the source tree again and discovered, that there
are glut-3.7 sources within the CalculiX sources which are compiled,
But I did not install this on my machines before testing e.g. on
Octane, so it should be OK. I will have to figure out, what the
CalculiX is using this for.
...very strange - it builds it's owns libglut-routines and than wants
a library, too? Recompiled with -static and got a binary
of the same size now which seems not to require the external

...Please try the following binary and tell me, whether this
fixes the lubglut-Problem, I will include this in the
tardist if it's OK:


Walther Mathieu
2008-03-11 21:31:21 UTC
Post by Erik Baigar
...very strange - it builds it's owns libglut-routines and than wants
a library, too? Recompiled with -static and got a binary
of the same size now which seems not to require the external
...Please try the following binary and tell me, whether this
fixes the lubglut-Problem, I will include this in the
Hi Erik,

it is! No complaining about a missing libglut.so any more.

Thanks a lot

